Scheduled tours

nature's guardian

June 12th - June 23th


Attend a traditional healing ritual

In the “Nature’s Guardian” tour you will witness the healing ways of traditional shamanic practices as well as see the pristine Ter-Ikh white lake, a popular tourist attraction. On this trip we will have 4 days that convene with the Shaman’s Journey.

  • Transfers on arrival and departure
  • English speaking guide at all times
  • All other lodging will be in Ger camps, tents or nomadic family
  • Meals are provided as mentioned in the itinerary that will be provided when you book the tour
  • Ground transportation by chauffeured 4WD vehicle
  • Park entrance fees
  • Horses for riding fee

Good to know

BNM Tours will ensure that your stay in our beautiful country will be comfortable and enjoyable. In the city you will be staying at the finest hotels for foreign travelers and during our trip you will stay at Tourist Ger camps. These camps are modern in utilities yet traditional in design. You will have power (220V), water, showers, restaurants and all required services and still be able to feel the Nomadic experience. 

After you book your tour please make sure to include all dietary requirements. In the city and at certain Ger camps you will have the finest international meal choices. It will be no different from back home. Moreover during longer road trip in the countryside you will be provided with lunchboxes from the previous Ger camp we stayed at.

There will be traditional food offered on our journey, which you may choose to take part in but it is not part of your meal plan. Alcohol is not provided but tourists over the drinking age may bring their own.

BNM Tours will provide the latest, air-conditioned 4WD vehicles for maximum comfort on your touring days with an experienced driver. A day’s drive in the countryside will be approx 200-250km on average.

If you want to take videos or photographs yourself, we recommend you bring your own camera equipment. If not, that is fine. Your tour guide team will be documenting your trip for you. 

We also recommend you to bring a first aid kit, sun cream, insect repellent and all necessary medicine that you may require. (headache, cold, diarrhea, allergy, motion sickness, and any medicine prescribed for you)

For clothing, we recommend you bring many layers of clothes. So that if it is too hot you can remove a layer, or if it is too cold you can add a layer. We also recommend a waterproof jacket, a hat, sunglasses, a headscarf, sturdy hiking shoes and sandals.

Tour Schedule

After arriving in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, we will drive a couple hours from the city to Terelj National Park. Terelj National Park is located within the beautiful Mongolian mountains and we will get to experience the beautiful scenery and outstanding natural rock formations. After sightseeing landscapes, we will go on a horse-riding trip that is designed for tourists. Your first day of the trip will be a serene day at Terelj, a great introduction to Mongolia.

After staying the night at a traditional but comfortable Ger camp, we will head back to Ulaanbaatar. In Ulaanbaatar we will check in at the Hotel, then we will visit famous sights and have a modern Mongolian city night at renowned restaurants and bars.

Khustai National Park is the habitat of essential Mongolian wildlife and plant life. Khustai Nuruu is home to over 667 species of plants, lichens, moss and mushrooms. In addition there are 385 species of insects and 279 species of animals, including fish, mammals and birds. The main attraction will be to see the rare and endangered wild horse Takhi, also known as Prezewalski’s Horse. If we are lucky we may get to experience the sights of a mongolian wolf, wild deer, eurasian lynx, golden eagle and the mongolian gazelle.

Karakorum was the capital of Mongolia during the 13th century. Here you can see the remains of the Mongol empire from the 13th century and visit the Karakorum museum to examine the relics and artifacts from Mongolia’s history. Then we will tour Erdene Zuu Monastery, the oldest monastery in Mongolia that was built in 1586. This ceremonious place of worship showcases the true artisanship of Ancient Mongolian architects. 

Tsenkher Hot Springs is located in Arkhangai which is famous for its many old volcanoes. The presence of these old volcanoes explain the natural hot water source and the water flows all year around with temperatures up to 85 C or 185 F. If that sounds too hot, don’t worry. These areas have been set up with less hot temperature for visitors to relax and enjoy the natural air in hot springs. Many travelers claim its healing properties and some just enjoy the comfort of the waters.

Taikhar Rock is a 20 meter high granite block all alone in the middle of vast flatland. Its shape and unusual location is most fascinating and you will be able to look at rock writings that date from the 6th century to the modern day. The inscriptions prove that this has been an important site for thousands of years. Then we will visit Khorgo Volcano. It is a 2210 meter high dormant volcano. You will be able to go inside the volcano and climb on stairs and trails to reach the top and walk along the volcano too. 

Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake or The Great White Lake is a freshwater lake famous for its fish and rich wildlife. During this time you will intervene with our BNM film crew while they are filming a documentary on shamanism. They will be performing healing rituals on Mongolians and although foreigners cannot participate, you will be able to witness the mysticism of Mongolian shamanism. 

Once we end our trip through the wilderness of Mongolia, we will return to the capital city. On this day there will be no sightseeing as we will have to travel 700 kilometers back to the capital city. On the way there will be plenty of rest stops and meal stops.

Once we end our trip through the wilderness of Mongolia, we will return to the capital city and then you will have free time to relax, go shopping, go sightseeing and prepare for your departure back home.

Our team will drive you and your luggage to the airport on time and make sure everything is in order for you to board your flight safely back home.

Tour Price

€ 2250

Get in touch

Visit us


Phone: +976 8011-9875
Address: 17-22, 7-r khoroo, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

our hours

24 Hours