
Scheduled tours

Scheduled Tours

Shaman's journey

In 2022, BNM Tours is offering a once-in-a-lifetime tour to our customers that will not be available in subsequent years. In Mongolia, it is nearly impossible for tourists to interact with legitimate Mongol Shamans due to the strict tradition that shamans only interact with people born under the Mongolian Sky. However, BNM Media is making a documentary on Mongol Shamanism this year and with an official blessing from authentic Mongol Shamans, we have decided to incorporate 5 unique programs that consist of a classic tour of Mongolia with specific days that showcase renowned Mongol Shamans and their mystical ways.

May 15th - 24th

June 5th - 15th

June 16th - 25th

June 26th - July 5th

July 3rd - 13th

Scheduled Tours

naadam journey

Naadam is our pride and tradition in Mongolia. This year we have decided to offer 2 amazing tours that celebrate the national holiday. The first option is a tour of the Gobi parts of southern Mongolia and the Naadam festival. The second option is a tour of the Khangai regions of central Mongolia and the Naadam Festival. The celebration will be filled with colorful costumes, arts, music, and sporting events that reflect the true national culture of the Mongolian people.

plan your next trip

Golden Eagle festival
29th of september → 8th of August

Get in touch

Visit us


Phone: +976 8625-6868
Address: 17-22, 7-r khoroo, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

our hours

24 Hours